So I wrote an update on Wednesday - and somehow it never got posted. My computer has been doing this bizarre selective thing where in some places it will tell me it's connected to a wireless network, but I don't have internet access. And work, where I write on my lunch hour, is one of those places. It's kind of driving me nuts. So I've been writing my update in Word and saving it to a flash drive to upload when I get back to my work computer. This Wednesday, I got back to work and got busy, and then I had a migraine, so it didn't get uploaded Thursday morning either.
Anyway, the point of telling you all that was, that even though Thanksgiving is over, and all the turkeys have been stuffed and all that, I still wanted to say Thank You. I'm so grateful to have found the ROW80 writing challenge. You all have inspired me to go after my writing goals, to keep challenging myself to be better, and you've encouraged me when I'm having a tough time. Thank you.
And now, goal updates!
1) NaNoWriMo - 50,000 words
Just in case you couldn't tell from the graphic at the beginning, this goal is complete! I crossed 50,000 words yesterday around 5:30 pm and validated shortly thereafter. I'm closing in on the completion of the storyline I was working on. I learned a ton (I'm working on a blog post for what I learned this year) and it was just a really wonderful experience. I'm practically giddy with my first NaNo win!
2) Post Writing-Post Round Up monthly
I've got a bunch of great posts collected. Hopefully I'll get that list up tomorrow.
3) Visit and comment on at least 5 other ROWer's blogs per week
This was done for last week. Now I just have to go see what you all are up to this week!
New Goals for December
4) Revamp Blog
While I do kind of like the basic look of my blog, I used an older template, and so far I haven't been able to figure out how to tweak it at all. It won't let me add any widgets to the sidebar, and I can't rearrange blocks at all. So I'm going to figure out how to do that, even if it means finding a new theme that's new enough to modify, or building one for myself from the ground up. I also need to update my profile / bio section.
When I originally came up with this goal, I had also planned to evaluate what I want to use my blog for, and come up with some kind of regular posting schedule. However, with my new-found insights from NaNoWriMo, I think I just want to focus on getting the writing flowing again, so for now, I'm just going to the keep the blog for ROW Updates and monthly Writing Post Round-Ups (and maybe a random post here and there if the spirit moves me).
5) Prioritize
shoved a lot of things to the side to meet my NaNoWriMo writing goals, and the momentum was great for my writing. It wasn't so great for a lot of other parts of my life. And I realized I'm spending time some things (like Facebook games) that may be fun, but which are taking away time from stuff I really want to do. So I'm going to take some time this month to really think about my priorities, and see if I can figure out how to balance the really important stuff so it all gets done, and what things I can set aside.
6) Writing - 10,000 words
I definitely want to keep writing in December, and keep the momentum going, but I'm shooting for a significantly smaller word count this month. Holiday preparation (which if I'm going to do NaNo, I should really start in October, because now Christmas has snuck up on me and I'm feeling kind of behind) will probably take up a fair amount of my time this month, as will research on how to fix my blog. So we'll try for that whole balance thing. :)
My fitness & health goals for December are pretty much the same - go to the gym at least 3 or 4 times a week, continue to eat mostly healthy. I'm giving myself a bit more leeway with food over the holiday season, and just trying to maintain at the weight I'm at. In January, I'll try to get rid of the last of the unwanted pounds. But basically I've been doing pretty well. I've been going to the gym about 3 times a week for the last few weeks. For Thanksgiving, I ate enough to be satisfied, but not stuffed. And although I've been having a few more treats lately, I'm still eating pretty healthily over all.
Okay, this post is really long now, so I'll stop. Happy December! And Happy Writing!