Wow! I collected
quite a few posts this week, so we’ll just get started:
Synopses. We all
know we’re going to have to write one (or more!) eventually, but what exactly
are they and what purpose do they serve?
And how does one write one, anyway?
Here is a post breaking down one method of writing a synopsis, step by
step. There’s also a link to a previous
post where Mindy discusses that first question – what are they and why do you
need one. Two-for-one!
Some tips on how to keep all the balls in the air. Because who among us doesn’t have too much
stuff to do, and too little time to do it in?
Plus, I just like the juggling metaphor.
Social media - because you’ve got to be there, right? Here are some tips to make it work for you.
I like this one because a) Jan O’Hara is just an
entertaining writer and b) although conflict may be our bread and butter on the
page, it’s good to have tools for dealing with it when things go off the rails
in the real (or digital) world.
Thankfully, the interactions I’ve been part of or witnessed in writing
communities online have mostly been very positive, even when people disagreed.
I love these tips on writing fiction from Margaret Atwood.
The first in a very interesting series of posts on the
daily rituals of famous creators (writers, painters, filmmakers, etc.). Okay, I haven’t read them all yet, but the
ones I did were interesting, so I assume the whole series is.
This is something I’m struggling with right now – the inner
editor. Sometimes it strikes before I
even sit down in front of the computer.
“You suck,” it says. “You have
nothing to say that anyone is going to care about. Why bother even putting words on the screen?” I’d like to say I ignore it every day and put
words on the screen anyway, but that would be a lie. Anyway, this post kind of gives me hope that
it’s possible to conquer that obnoxious voice.
Also, he shares some pretty awesome writing tools.
This is actually not a writing post – not really. It’s a "know thyself" post, I suppose, and I
freely admit that I cannot immediately think of answers to all these
questions. I’d have to sit down with it
and think about it for a while – which I think might be a good thing for
writers to do. Know ourselves. Also, it could make an awesome character
Going back to that inner editor thing (sort of), here’s a
post on doing things “good enough”. (I
know, I know, the grammar is atrocious.) This post is taking off on the quote
“Perfect is the enemy of the good,” attributed to various really smart dead
And I’m obviously catching up on Writer Unboxed posts this
week. Here’s one on finding a good title
– a process that sometimes seems mystical in the way it works (or
doesn’t). I’m pretty happy with my title
for my current WIP – if the work can live up to its promise – but I have
another one on the back burner that’s pretty much called “the changeling story
that refuses to be named”. And my poor
musical is currently languishing under the title “Chess Pieces.” Sigh.
Maybe some of these tips will help.
A quick trick to spice up your characters.
Heaven knows I’m guilty of some (if not all) of these writing
mistakes on occasion. Here’s a handy
list of common mistakes to watch for in your editing.
How do you know when it’s time (or not!) to give up on a
manuscript? One author’s story.
Still with the Writer Unboxed catch-up. A compilation of advice from literary agents
on what NOT to do in the beginning of your novel.
This is a question I’ve often wondered about, but haven’t
really seen discussed a lot. How much is
too much truth in our writing? This is a
particularly important consideration for memoirists and other non-fiction
writers, but fiction writers should probably think about it, too. What is the cost of telling all (even a
fictionalized version of it) and are we prepared to pay that price?
Well, that’s all I’ve got folks! Stay tuned for the next installment (in two
days, when I actually post it on Saturday, for once!). Happy writing!
Note: this is a
list of blog posts and articles on writing that I collect weekly. Inclusion on this list does not necessarily
mean it was published this week, just that I read it this week and thought it
was cool, interesting, and/or useful.
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