Already late and we're only one day into the new round. Ugh. Oh well - I'll just have to make sure it goes up from here.
Last round kind of fell apart for me. Life hit me with change and chaos, and I wasn't able to keep up with my goals. Our friend and his little boy have moved in with us for a while, which necessitated clearing out a bunch of stuff to make room for them and then getting used to having extra people and a small dog in the house. It's been quite the adventure to have a four-year-old running around! I also started a six week fit challenge in September, which has kept me busy with meal planning and working out. But, we're settling into a new routine now, and I'm looking forward to a fresh new round of ROW and fitting writing back into my schedule.
Without further ado, my goals for the round:
1) Some kind of Writing Activity at least 5 days per week (October)
I've been doing a lot of exercises with paper and pen lately as I try to get back on track with my writing, which makes getting a word count a little more difficult. I'm also planning to do NaNoWriMo again this year, so October is my prep month. Therefore, instead of a word-count related goal, I'm planning to try and do something writing related - either exercises, NaNo prep, or maybe even actual writing (gasp!) on at least 5 days out of the week.
2) NaNoWriMo - 50,000 words (November)
It was so exciting to see a fresh new NaNoWriMo website at the beginning of the month. I have more than enough unfinished novels lying around my computer, though, so this year I'm planning to be a rebel and write short stories. Still shooting for 50,000 words though. I've started brainstorming and making notes for some of the ideas I have and I'm pretty psyched for November!
3) Post Writing-Post Round Up weekly
I'm going to try to get this blog feature back off the ground again. I think I'm still going to shoot for Sundays, but I have to figure out a new place and/or time to write, since I don't have the quiet Sunday morning before my husband gets up anymore.
4) Visit and comment on at least 5 other ROWer's blogs per week
I really fell down on the job on this goal last round, but I'm going to do better this time. I really do want to keep up with what you all are up to!
5) Revamp Blog (December)
I've been meaning to clean-up my blog design for a while (it's currently just sporting a theme I grabbed off the internet - nice, but I can't seem to make any changes or add widgets or anything), and coming down off of NaNoWriMo in December seems like it might be a good time to tackle that. I also want to get my bio updated and do some thinking about what I want to use this blog for, besides ROW updates.
I've also got some fitness goals on my mind after participating in the Fit Challenge, and since I've noticed that a lot of folks include those with their ROW goals, I'll post mine here as well.
1) Go to the gym at least 3 times a week in addition to Saturday bootcamp
2) Continue eating healthy most of the time (follow 80/20 rule)
That's all folks! I hope you all are getting a great start on Round 4!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
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